Lavender Scented Ear Candles (5 Pair) with Q-tips and Safety Disks
Top Quality Lavender Scented Ear Candles handmade with pure beeswax, essential oils and other natural ingredients (paraffin free). Enjoy the pleasant aroma and relieve your stress and tension.
Reusable Glass Coffee Cup (BPA free)
Your morning brew gives you that kick in your step you need to start the day running. We want you to enjoy it in a beautiful, Reusable Glass Coffee Cup and to be the envy of your colleagues/classmates.
Productivity Journal | Destroy Procrastination
If you have big goals for 2019 or just want to be more productive this year, a journal is a must have. ARETE MERCH's Productivity Journal will help you Destroy Procrastination and smash your goals in 2019!
We Prioritise Your Health and Wellbeing.
ARETE MERCH has made a commitment to sourcing the best quality products viable with the consumer in mind. We know that good health is necessary for a comfortable life so our sourcing practices reflect this. Where it's feasible, we find products that are Organic, Natural, BPA free etc.
We Believe in Good Design With a Little Extra.
We strongly believe in good design that is functional, seamless and aesthetic at ARETE MERCH. It's the more pleasant presentation that makes the difference between lemons and lemonade.
In our goal to create excellent products to make your life more comfortable, we use great design with a little extra twist to push our value above the competition. This makes our brand stand out.
Next Steps...
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